3 Tips to Keep Your Smile Fresh on a First Date

Feb 22 • 2 minute read

Our smile is one of the first things people notice about us. While it may seem like a minor detail in the grand scheme of things, the state of your smile can make or break a first impression.

The impact of this small token of delight is never more critical than on a first date. No matter how much chemistry or attraction you have with somebody, an unsightly smile and bad breath are difficult to ignore.

Don’t let a dour smile put a damper on your date. Follow these tips to dazzle them from the second you meet to the moment you say goodbye.

Wow Your Date with a Radiant Smile

It’s common for most of us to go above and beyond for a first date when it comes to our appearance. After all, we all want to look our best for a potential partner. This doesn’t stop with hair and wardrobe, though.

A few days before the big day, consider using teeth whitening strips to give your teeth a little more luster. If you happen to have a dental appointment before the date, ask your dentist about in-office whitening for a noticeably brighter smile in just one visit.

Practice Good Oral Hygiene

It should go without saying, but good oral hygiene is important, especially when it comes to attraction. You should definitely brush your teeth before a romantic evening, but your routine shouldn’t end there. 

Diligently brush and floss your teeth to remove plaque and food particles that cause bad breath. Brushing or scraping the tongue is also recommended, as a great deal of halitosis-causing bacteria gathers on its surface. Afterwards, rinse with antibacterial mouthwash to neutralize the remaining germs and leave your breath its freshest.

Avoid Food Faux-Pas

Many first dates follow the usual dinner and movie format, but choosing the restaurant and meal can be a blessing or a curse.

Popcorn is notoriously adept at finding every nook and cranny in your mouth and getting lodged in all of them. Dishes with a prominent onion or garlic presence are, while delicious, certain to leave your breath far from fresh.

If a night without your favorite flavors is just too unbearable to accept, consider carrying a travel-sized toothbrush. This way, you can discretely brush in the restroom after dinner to mitigate the effects.

Smile Like You Mean It

A healthy, happy smile certainly isn’t the only factor in a successful date, but if you follow these simple tips, it certainly won’t be the deal-breaker. Now get out there and give them the old razzle-dazzle!

Dowden Family Dentistry provides general dentistry for all of your oral health needs. Contact our Fishers practice to schedule a visit with the talented Dr. Dowden today!

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